Silver Diamine Fluoride


What is Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) ?

Silver Diamine Fluoride is an antimicrobial treatment for the infection that causes tooth decay and for the reduction in tooth sensitivity. Silver Diamine Fluoride has been used extensively in numerous countries around the globe for decades and is FDA approved

How does it benefit your oral hygiene?
  • SDF has widely been shown to be effective to help stop cavity development after a cavity has formed. Dentists call this process caries resonance.
  • SDF helps kill the bacteria that break down tooth surfaces while also keeping them from spreading to other teeth.
  • SDF is often suggested as a more comfortable alternative to drilling cavities. This can be helpful for children or adults who have anxiety about the dentist or may not be able to fully engage in dental procedures, such as those with special healthcare needs.
  • SDF can be helpful as a cavity treatment if you’re overly sensitive to the instruments and substances used during cavity treatments.
  • SDF can help keep cavities to a minimum or prevent them entirely if you feel that it’s difficult to make time for regular dental check-ups or feel uncomfortable about cavity procedures. It’s quick, requires no special equipment, and generally only needs to be done once per year.
  • Quick, easy, painless
  • Relieves sensitivity
  • Re-mineralize your natural tooth structure
  • Prevents biofilm adhesion
  • Captures 80% of cavities when applied twice yearly
  • Permanently stains cavities black.
  • Cavities or holes that trap food may still eventually require a SMART filling or traditional restorations.
  • It’s not an option for deep cavities
  • It requires repeat application for maximum efficacy.
  • It can not be used in the presence of infection or decay into the nerve.
  • SDF is a treatment not a cure.